- (206) 283-6760 | (843) 881-4473
- GIPS Verification + Performance Attestation and Consulting
The GIPS standards recommend that investment firms be verified by a qualified, independent third party.
GIPS Verification provides additional confidence about your firm’s claim of compliance with the GIPS standards.
During a verification, we conduct testing on a firm-wide basis in accordance with the required verification procedures of the GIPS standards. This includes planning materials, sample selections, analysis, management representation—and upon successful completion, the verification report.
Occasionally a firm’s audiences may require the attestation of performance returns of an exclusive subset of its strategies. Because GIPS applies to the entire firm, a firm in this situation cannot be GIPS compliant under those parameters. However, an Investment Performance Attestation performs testing on individual strategies at a given firm.
We are pleased to provide this service to firms who are otherwise unable to claim GIPS compliance. Additionally, we are an LPL approved vendor for LPL’s HIPO program, the Hybrid Investment Performance Oversight program for RIAs.
When a firm needs a second set of eyes on its performance presentations or would like some professional counsel as they prepare to claim unverified compliance, we are here to help.
GIPS Stands for Global Investment Performance Standards.
The CFA Institute defines the GIPS Standards this way:
The GIPS standards are ethical standards for calculating and presenting investment performance based on the principles of fair representation and full disclosure. They are voluntary industry standards that provide transparency and global comparability in a world where regulations and market practices differ significantly from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
Investment performance calculation is the quantitative measurement of the profit or loss earned on an investment. Investment performance presentation, or reporting, is the display and communication of investment performance calculations.
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