What Sets Absolute Verification Apart as a GIPS Verifier?

When we present to prospective clients, we are often asked what sets us apart from other firms. As a husband-and-wife operation, we know that we are especially suited to work well with smaller firms and family firms. Our clients are firms who seek a personal approach in the services they engage. Their investment philosophies and products vary, and their asset sizes range from US$25 million to US$12 billion. Recognizing the significance of the GIPS standards, our clients’ common thread is a desire to present themselves to their respective audiences as firms that have achieved the highest standard of performance-results reporting excellence in the world.

We know the GIPS standards since before their inception. Yes, before the GIPS were GIPS, we managed the compliance and verification process at one of the largest investment institutions in the world. At the time, the GIPS standards were called the AIMR-PPS, which stood for two things: CFA Institute’s previous name, AIMR, was the Association for Investment Management and Research; PPS stood for Performance Presentation Standards. We have experienced every iteration and update of the GIPS standards.

Our knowledge of the Standards is matchless. We have lived GIPS compliance and verification from the vantage point of internal investment performance manager, of accounting-firm GIPS auditor, of institutional marketer, and of consulting verifier.

We serve our clients with diligence and professionalism, and our clients will never find themselves being a slice of our ‘market share’ pie chart. We conduct all the work ourselves, never relegate your business to entry-level staff, and you can be certain that we will keep apprised of your firm and all its moving parts, year after year. No revolving-door verification teams here